
Since it was first founded, the Museum has been establishing a documentation centre. This has proven to be indispensable for a museum which specialises in such a relatively little-known and little-studied field. The aim of its founders was for the Rixheim Museum to become a centre of reference in the field of wallpaper.

The library contains more than 3000 reference books, specialist works, brochures and articles. It is supplemented by collections of periodicals relating to wallpaper in the 20th Century. Case studies have been made, for example, on panoramic wallpaper and arabesque wallpaper. This stock is by its nature international. It is continually being enhanced via an informal network of contacts.

In addition, the Museum has created a fund of documentation on locations decorated with wallpaper: this file contains nearly a thousand locations throughout the world.

Used by the Museum, this collection is open to researchers by appointment and correspondence. It is consulted by specialists such as researchers, restorers, those responsible for heritage services, architects etc