Enhance, Develop, Expand 30 years of acquisitions at the Museum of Wallpaper

Since its opening in 1983, the Museum of Wallpaper has constantly been adding to its collections, whether by way of acquisitions made through public auctions or from collectors, or by way of donations from individuals and manufacturers, not to mention the wallpaper which has been salvaged on its very own walls.


Affiche de l'exposition "Enrichir, développer, accroître, 30 ans d'acquisitions"

More than 13,000 documents have been added to the 120,000 already existing, which came from the archives of the Zuber factory and collections kept at the Museum of Printed Textiles in Mulhouse. The exhibition aims to let you share in the adventure; this 30-year quest to enhance, develop and expand the collection. By way of around fifty representative documents, selected from among all these acquisitions, the exhibition also provides a complete panorama of the history of wallpaper from its origins right up to the present day; from the domino wallpapers of the 18th Century to the creative works of the current early 21st Century. Two guiding principles have determined the choice of the exhibits: that they have never been shown in any of our exhibitions before, or not for more than 10 years, and above all, that they have a story to tell, either because of their significance to the history of wallpaper or because of the manner in which they came to be at Rixheim.

Curatorial Committee : Philippe de Fabry, Director in collaboration with Isabelle Dubois-Brinkmann, Curator, and Cécile Vaxelaire, Assistant Curator